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resistance curve中文是什么意思

用"resistance curve"造句"resistance curve"怎么读"resistance curve" in a sentence


  • 阻力曲线


  • Crack extension resistance curve of concrete
  • Fracture mechanics toughness tests - method for determination of fracture resistance curves and initiation values for stable crack extension in metallic materials
  • Practice shows that the structural design and calculation method with the resistance curve is scientific and reasonable , easy to carry out , and convenient to use
  • Firstly , the parameters controlling ductile crack growth are gotten from the resistance curve result of standard 3 point bending specimen , then the resistance curves of the tension specimen for the welded joint with different strength mis - matching are predicted based on the cell model
  • Chapter 4 summaries the relevant test data based on the tests done before , and puts forward the concept of the resistance curve , as well as the structural design and calculation method with the resistance curve , by drawing out the most essential deformation characteristics of the structure and the medium in the tests , while treating the structure and the medium as an organic whole
用"resistance curve"造句  


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